Just over a month ago I posted my experience with Luminato Festival and its partnership with Lomography. Fast forward to July 18, 2013 where I was finally able to see my results from the Lomography workshop that I attended that day, along with the photos from the Youth Volunteer Photography Program at Luminato Festival.
The Toronto Lomography store was nice enough to host a small party for us to view our photos on a rolling slideshow, along with preparing the Lomowall, which had the several hundred photos that we took throughout the 10-day festival.
It was a nice throwback seeing all those images that we took from the workshop and during the festival. Complete with all the special effects that Lomos are capable of, the Lomowall that was hung with all our photos was a treat for our senses. The wall is two sided and has all of our photos that we took with the Sardinia camera. The wall will be up in the Toronto Lomography store until the end of this month, which is also an exciting bonus for all of us.
The walls of the Lomography store are covered with Lomo pictures making them for a perfect backdrop for none other than party pictures with party props! I think they did a great job rockin’ these props!
The party just kept going in front of the wall!
And of course, what party wouldn’t be complete without a giveaway!
The following photos were taken with the Lomo Sardina, which I used during the workshop earlier in June. They were a blast to play with, as you can see.
And as always, all good things must come to an end…just like any film roll…but wait, that’s actually the beginning of the roll…
Here’s the little package that Lomography gives you when you are finished with the roll in the Sardina that you used during the workshop. I had requested my negatives not to be cut since I had used the panorama feature of the camera. Not sure how it actually looks on the negs, but we’ll see as soon as I unroll it!