The Ultimate iPhone Periscope Stand

Ever since Apple changed the location of their power input from the top of the iPhone to the bottom, I’ve always been annoyed with this decision. For my day job, I find myself in front of the computer for much of the day. As unhealthy as this may be, it’s what I have to do. Because of this, I’ve always had the tendency to prop my phone on my desk and lean it against the monitor so that I can see any notifications and have instant access to it should I need it. With the change in the input port, I can no longer do this, as the bottom is no longer flat.

As odd as it may seem, it wasn’t until Periscope came out that I found myself even more annoyed that I couldn’t easily prop my iPhone upright…until now, that is! I’ve created the best iPhone stand one could possibly want—especially if you’re an avid Periscope user.

For those of you who have asked me about which stand I use, I’ve created this blog post here to show you how you can have one for yourself too. Oh, did I mention this stand is free?

The Ultimate iPhone Periscope Stand
The Ultimate iPhone Periscope Stand

iPhone Periscope Stand

I’ve always been a fan for great design, so when I took it upon myself to create an iPhone stand, I knew it had to match the pleasing aesthetics of the iPhone itself. With my stand’s sexy curves and sleek, minimalist design, it’s bound to be a hit amongst Apple fans.


  • Weighs a mere 2 grams
  • Made with razor thin 1mm tough industrial-strength paper
  • Comes in two different colours
  • Ideal angle for Periscope viewing and broadcasting
  • Discrete cable cover allowing you to charge as you broadcast
  • Works in both portrait and landscape mode (future-proofing for when Periscope adds this feature)
Stand in action
Stand in action


Follow these instructions for your very own iPhone Periscope Stand.

What you will need:

  • Toilet paper roll
  • Pencil
  • Ruler
  • Scissor

Step 1:

Obtain a toilet paper roll of the colour of your choosing.

Step 2:

Looking at the roll straight on, mark a small tick at the base of the roll. This will act as your centre point, as seen from the profile view. We’ll call this view the Profile Centred View (PCV).

Step 1: Mark the Profile Centred View
Step 2: Mark the Profile Centred View

Drawing the cut lines in profile view

Step 3:

From the PCV, go to the right edge of the roll, measure 1cm inward, and 4.5cm upward from the base of the roll, and place a tick mark there with your pencil. Draw a horizontal line from this tick mark to the right edge of the roll, as you see it from the PCV. This 4.5cm height is the ideal height to prevent the cable from bending and possibly breaking internal wires.

Step 2
Step 3

Step 4:

From that tick mark, draw a 1cm straight line downward.

Step 3
Step 4

Step 5:

From that point, draw a 1cm horizontal line inward. Note, this 1cm will determine how snug you would like your iPhone to fit in the stand. With my current case, the 1cm is a nice fit to keep my iPhone from moving around. If you don’t have a case on your iPhone, a snug fit will be:

  • 6.9mm for the iPhone 6
  • 7.1mm for the iPhone 6 plus
  • 7.6mm for the iPhone 5/5s
Step 4
Step 5

Step 6:

From the last point, measure 1.5cm further inward. Then move up all the way to the top of the roll, and place a tick mark.

Step 5: Mark the top
Step 6: Mark the top

Step 7:

From this tick mark on top, draw a diagonal line to the last point you marked in Step 5, the depth of your iPhone. This line indicates the angle at which your iPhone will be perched on your stand.

Step 6
Step 7

This marks the completion of the profile cut lines as you see from the PCV.

Step 8:

Using scissors, cut along the lines that you drew. When you come to the far right edge of the roll, stop cutting once you hit the edge, as you see it from the PCV. One half of your roll should now be cut.

Step 8
Step 8

Cutting the other side of the roll

Step 9:

Still looking from the PCV, turn the roll 90 degrees so that the top of the roll is now facing you. Mirror the cutting point on the bottom half of the roll, on to the top side of the roll and place a small cut to mark its location.

Step 9
Step 9

Step 10:

Turn the roll back to PCV. Continuing from the cut you made at the far right edge of the roll in Step 8, cut along straight to the same point on the other side, as you see it from the PCV. This is why the centre mark you created in Step 2 is so important. Now just follow along the profile view cut lines, and as your last step, cut diagonally to the small tick mark you made at the top of the roll in Step 9.

iPhone Periscope Stand
Step 10

Cutting the cord outlet

Step 11:

Starting from the PCV, turn the roll 90 degrees to the right to face the back of your stand. Make sure your view is now centred from the back of the stand.

Step 12:

The cord cover is 1cm wide, at the base of the roll, at the centre, measure out 0.5cm on either side, and cut 1cm upward.

Step 11
Step 12

Congratulations, you now have your very own iPhone Periscope Stand!

Additional Notes

When the stand is not in use, it can also act as a cable wrapper so you don’t have cables cluttering your desk.

Stand acts as a handy cable wrapper
Stand acts as a handy cable wrapper

The iPhone Periscope Stand is also future-proof, as it can also be used in landscape mode, for when this functionality is implemented.

Also compatible in landscape mode!
Also compatible in landscape mode!

If you like this stand, please feel free to comment below and let me know. If you think you can improve upon it, feel free to let me know as well.

iPhone 6 Plus without case on an upgraded model with home button clearance
iPhone 6 Plus without case on an upgraded model with home button clearance
Back of stand with discrete cable cover
Back of stand with discrete cable cover
Profile view showing ideal Periscoping angle
Profile view showing ideal Periscoping angle
Stand in action
Stand in action
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4 thoughts on “The Ultimate iPhone Periscope Stand”

  1. Hey Taku!! made the stand!!! very ingenious! Now you have to come up with another idea for our friends in Venezuela where having access to TP is kind of complicated!! be seeing you in Periscope!! loving the tutorials, tips, tricks!! have lots of questions!!! (What was the app for long exposure shots? I love light painting and would be awesome to use the iPhone for that as well!) See Ya!

  2. Hey Juan! Thanks so much for dropping by! No TP in Venezuela?! Really? Maybe you can make one out of tree bark that’s curved. You can cut it in the same shape and voila, you’re very own wooden iPhone Periscope stand!

    The app is called Slow Shutter Cam, which you can find my review on here:

    Feel free to ask away, and thanks for tuning in on my Periscopes! Your support is very much appreciated!

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