Mobile Walkers Japan is an Instagram community featuring primarily Japanese mobile photographers while also including a smattering of international photographers on their stream. Each day they feature on their stream a different photo from a different photographer. At the end of each month, they round up all the Photo of the Day photos, and post them on their website at http://mwjapan.org.
In addition to this post, they also feature comments from the photographers themselves, talking about their inspiration and editing techniques for the photo that was chosen. For the most part, this commentary is in Japanese but there are a few English comments as well.

I’ve been featured on their feed a few times before, but this was the first time I gave my input into the photo that was chosen as the Photo of the Day for February 11, 2015. Please feel free to have a look and enjoy the site…or at least as much as you can read of it.
The cropped version that I posted on Instagram, is actually a small fraction of the full sized version seen above.
The Photo of the Day post for February 2015 is here on the Mobile Walkers Japan site.
Beautiful work, my friend! 🙂
Why thank you Yulia! It was just the right timing-I happened to go to work right when the sun was shining in the background. If you’re facing south, you should have some great sunlight in the mornings!