When I saw her sitting near the top of the mountain, just resting and gazing far into the distance, I immediately took notice as she was positioned just right in mind. With the angle that I was at—standing just below her—it made for a perfect perspective with the mountains in the background.

I thought in my mind this would be a great photo for a Nike running print advertisement. The mood was just right. I conveniently had my 70-200mm telephoto lens on, which enabled me to get right up and compose the frame exactly the way I wanted it. I loved how she is sitting in the corner on the mountainside, making it look as if there is nothing else around her but the open air and mountains in the background. I isolated her from the background with my f/7.1 aperture, while at the same time getting enough of the foreground in focus, letting the viewers in on the context of where she is.
Although I do love a great landscape, I do really like it when I am able to capture the essence of a moment as well, like I did with this particular individual. Now, it’s just a shame that she really wasn’t wearing Nikes!
This photo was taken at the top of the Old Fort Point in Jasper National Park. A must-do hike up the short but strenuous incline to an absolutely gorgeous 360 degree view of the park.