If you’re ever in any kind of photography rut, try something new. Try something that you normally don’t do, or maybe are afraid to do. Getting out of your comfort zone may yield something unexpected.

This photo was taken last year at an impromptu shoot with some local Instagrammers. We didn’t meet to come here, but decided on a whim to do so.

Pictured above are Laura (@laura.mcc) and Silvia (@sbroudelande) of Toronto!
While others directed these two to freely play with the scarf, I watched from behind seeing how they took command of the situation. Being a landscape photographer, I don’t get to direct my subjects all too often so doing so puts me a little out of my comfort zone.
I didn’t do too much directing during this shoot, but I did do a little more on this studio shoot that I went to just a few weeks back.
It was a good time had by all, and even if we didn’t come back with any fantastic photos, the important thing is we went out and tried something new.

Pictured above are Laura (@laura.mcc) and Patrick (@candidcameraman) with the Blue Jays hat.