Norah Jones comes back to Toronto

I went to see Norah Jones in concert today, and it was yet another fantastic showing from her. This being my fourth time seeing her live, has to be my second most favourite performance from her—The first spot goes to her very first concert in Toronto at the Palais Royale Ballroom, before she won all her Grammies.

She sang classics from her debut album, like “The Lonestar” and “The Nearness of You”, to songs from her latest album, Little Broken Hearts, to goodies including a rendition of a song from The Greatful Dead. With such a variety of song choices, it was a great time had by all. Her quirky stage presence didn’t change either, which made her all the more genuine.

With a little interaction with the audience to a three song acoustic encore (which was where these photos were taken, since cameras were prohibited during the concert performance), it was a great night.

Normally Norah is nice to come outside of the venue to sign autographs and take pictures with her fans after the concert. I met her twice already, so I decided to pass tonight, even though I was’t sure if she would continue her tradition here in Toronto.

It’s all good though, since I know she will always be back in Toronto whenever she goes on tour. She loves the city that much.

A note for all the photographers: Photos taken with Nikon D800, 35-70mm f/2.8 at ISO 1600-2200. Processed in Lightroom (cropped, clarified, and slight noise reduction). I have to say, these turned out fantastic considering how dark it was in there.

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